We hit the market ...

These bikes are all over the city. They are apart of a bike sharing program called bicing that seem to be a pretty functional system in european countries. We were all about getting one but you have to be a resident with a credit card. There are talks of rolling this program out in NYC .. Keep your eyes peeled.

Apparently Barcelona embraced graffiti once upon a time .. as of Feb 2006 the city started coming down with stricter fines in an effort to clean up the city.

So I held out till day 3 to go shopping. Arent you proud ;-) Unfortunately fashion in Barcelona is wack! I did stumble across some cool items in a japanese boutique. Of course anything I like is mad expensive (thats a sign of good taste btw). The piece above is a dressy halter top! Totally looks like a pirate right .. ha! The shirt on the left "Do you mind if I love you?" Truly adore it!

This sick piece caught my eye as we bounced out of the

Closed the party out at 7am and headed to the beach ... these were some sweet looking green birds I saw along the way ....

My first Barcelona beach sunrise.....

Life is pretty amazing righ now .. I must admit.
I nominated this boy my boyfriend for the night when we got to la terrrazza.. he kept up with me to my suprise ...

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