Was a chill food fest with booze and great company ...

rico even made a visit ...

Got a text from long time friend Noah Ray of Racket Magazine saying he was in town with his girl and kickn it at Studio B for the Down and Derby rollerskating party. Thanks to Vince for hookn up the door and drinks and holdin' down a sick party =)

The Bangers holdn down the turntables ...

the party in full effect ... didnt I say it was fun ;-)

Rena and Syama getting their rollerskate on ...

Susan of Dirty Librarian Chains was kickn it.....peep her site for some dope jewelry ;-)

Shareef, Lou, and Jay ...
(love these boyz)

the ladies ....

even Tony Bueno was in the house ...

was saturday night in the city and I didnt want to make it a late night... hit the fish for a minute and called it a night ... its been a busy few weeks to say the least..