The New Museum (designed by the Tokyo partners Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa, who are jointly known as Sanaa) finally opens on the Bowery at Prince Street on the Lower East Side.

As always cameras aren't allowed in the space but I was able to capture a few shots of the artwork.

a shot of the screening room downstairs

The elevator illuminates green. Here's a crazy shot of syama ...

Read reviews here and here
The top floor which also serves as an event space was sponsored by target. Free candy could be scooped up and enjoyed by all. My personal fav was the cherry shaped gummy's ;-)
Here's Min and Shetal enjoying their candy too.

the streets of nyc can leave you feeln' like this at times.

Stopped in to catch our fav aussie finishing up some ink on her back in the LES. Def feelin' the tat.

Broke out and ventured to midtown to my friend Eileen's baking party. Some time back I had forwarded her an email for vendors for the Bust Magazine Crafticular Fair. It inspired her to finally put together a company for her baking goods with a partner, and in a matter of a few short months everything came together. Funny how you can effect people's lives without ever realizing it.

Friends came and sipped vino and helped to prepare the baked goods for the crafticular.

Eileen in baking action ...

The cookies were bangin' and I couldnt get enough. Pick your's up via the website Sweet & Savory Buds
It was the holidays and for some reason I can never get into the spirit in NYC. Decided I needed a lil something to give me some holiday cheer so we hit Bryant Park.
Bryant Park Holiday Tree

"The Pond"

It began to rain and was getting late so I called it a night.
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