Thursday, July 19, 2007

Barcelona - Day 3 (Playa Bogatell)

The Beach was divine!

Got my ipod bag BUMPn ...

and proceeded to settle into RELAXATION! As you can see Lee was kickn it..... I was told to keep my eyes open for the roaming asian ladies that give massages on the beach for 5 euros. I was all over that ....

above is a hotty euro boy I caught walking by .. I know my girls will appreciate this pic! I fell in love with the lil boy on the right.. he's the beach baby I want to have in 5 yrs.. just need to sort out that whole daddy thing first ;-)

This beach side restaurant had a name similiar to my last name. Some of my ancestors are from Spain so it was cool to see =)
The beach had these interesting structures for kids to climb on.
I thought these beach signs were rad! Paricularly the one on the right... "Try Tras - Can Therapy: Throw your trash in the can. You'll better" For some reason I kind of did ...

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